This section is dedicated to helping you score better on Ambrosia’s games. This month we will focus on Ambrosia’s games, Swoop & Chiral.
If you’ve some original hints on game play, send them in.
Try these tactics out with Ambrosia’s release Swoop.
Johnny Get Your Gun — Hold off on shooting the yellow Swoopers until they are in flight. Nailing these fellows in flight will give you additional defensive or weapons systems.
100% — Yes, it is possible to hit all of the Swoopers in the first challenge wave. As soon as the screen comes up, go all the way to the left and start firing, then go across to the right and repeat. The middle formations are trickier, but can be done.
Drone Zone — That Failsafe Bombing drone can really ruin your day. It is better to zero in on this one as soon as it appears. The longer it stays on the screen, the more damage is done.
Soundtrack — Check out this issue’s How To column to find out about switching Swoop’s soundtrack. The GoTo icon below will take you right there.
Here are some helpful strategies for Ambrosia’s award winning atomic puzzle game, Chiral.
Back To School — Chiral can be tough to learn, but with the new Chiral Basics tutorial you’ll be qualifying for a Nobel prize in chemistry in no time. This new application will walk you through the basics of Chiral’s tricky molecular bonding.
Radioactive — Those atomic atoms are handy for zapping stray atoms. Atoms that are not linked to your molecule will cause a penalty, the radioactive atoms are good for “cleaning house.”
Written In Stone — Be very careful where you position the heavy atoms (those with a marble like finish). Once placed, these atoms are here to stay.
Hare Raising Experience — Once placed, the speed atoms (ones with a rabbit on the atom) will speed up game play. Be prepared to act fast if you have to mess with a bunny.